Tuesday 30 September 2014

The above document is a contents page from XXL magazine, 2010 November edition. The contents page has a plain colour scheme of black and white with the exception of the logo and a symbol which are both bright red, this will help to catch the readers eye so that they know who the magazine was made by, The consistent black and white colour scheme may have been used to reflect the seriousness of the situation. The image of both artists; 50 Cent and Soulja Boy is a mid-shot which may have been done to show the watches and diamond chains. The mise-en-scene of the page is very brightly lit and also the artists look very wealthy. The diamond watches and rings connote the extreme wealth and fame both these artists hold. The masthead is written and placed in a conventional position (at the top) and the font choices are very plain and formal. There are page numbers in the contents page which are in chronological order which shows that the magazine is professionally organised and has a tidy presentation. Some of the language used in the page contains slang which may appeal to the younger audiences, however the structure and page layout is very formal and organised neatly. One of the main connotations of the entire page is highlighting the fact that even with all the wealth and fame, the music industry and it's artists still have their flaws and issues. Some very well-known artists are mentioned which may help to publiscise the magazine.

Saturday 27 September 2014

Analysis on XXL magazine

The first image is the front cover of XXL's 2007 magazine edition. The lead article is on the artist Jay Z and the appearance of the artist gives a hint to the readers about what the article is about. The model image of Jay Z connotes that he is very wealthy and successful. There is a strict colour scheme of black and white with the exception of the red branding logo of XXL. This may have been done to draw the readers eye as the magazines branding is the brightest aspect of the front cover. The consistent and plain colour scheme may suggest that the issue in the article is serious which may draw readers in. The direction in which Jay z's eye line is facing is used as a direct mode of address to the viewers. The use of large font on the title and in particular 'JAY-Z' emphasises the focus on the artist and what he is saying. The positioning of the branding and artist is also important because if the left half of the magazine was covered on the shelves then a potential buyer will see the large XXL logo and only a part of the artist body and therefore out of curiosity may pick the magazine up in order to find out who the artist is and what the article is about.

The second image is the first contents page from the same XXL magazine edition. The model image is of the artist 'Rick Ross'  who I a very well known and popular hip-hop rapper. The contents page is broken up into different sections from his interview with quotes from Rick Ross as the sub-headings. The appearance of the artist including the diamond ring and bracelet is conventional of how Hip-Hop rappers dress and how they look. The title on the top of the contents page says 'Top Billin' which is also a quote from Ross's interview. The entire page is dedicated to just this one artist with a reference to rival rapper '50 Cent'.

The last image is the second contents page in the magazine. There is a gap of a double page spread of advertisements from this contents page and the one above which represents the importance of advertisement to this magazine and their role of providing vital income. The image which covers most the page is of a female dressed very provocatively on purpose in order to attract male attention and viewers. The contents start of with an editorial section and then additional interviews and articles in connection to the rapper 'Busta Rhymes'. At the bottom there is a reviews section and an article referring to the model image called 'Eye Candy'.